- Jumlah DVD Game : 1
- Game Genre : Strategy
- Game Review / Minimum Spesification : :
The Endless Space: Disharmony expansion will bring many enhancements
and additions for Endless Space players. A tenth faction, known as “The
Harmony”, basically consisting of living rock, will make its appearance,
along with its unique play style and objectives. Space battles have
never been more intense, with the addition of fighters and bombers,
battle formations, a new targeting system, a redesigned weapon system
and enhanced planet invasion mechanics. Revamped AI opponents will now
offer vastly more unpredictable and cunning behaviour to make the
Endless Space even more dangerous.
A brand new Faction called “the Harmony” with a single objective in mind, annihilate Dust
New fighters and bombers unit that will completely change the shape of combat.
Introduction of new Battle Formation and Targeting systems for more battle control.
A complete rework of the Ship Design Interface for an improved
Weapon System that includes family types for modules (short, medium and
long range).
New Invasion mechanics: Prepare your population for bombardments, sieges and land invasions
Expect to face a real challenge when playing against AI opponents
with the “New Adaptive Multi-Agent Artificial Intelligence System”
New Rally Points feature for newly built ships, to reduce micromanagement.
Four new Heroes and the option to Disable Exchange of Technologies, as per the community requests.
Publisher: Iceberg Interactive
Developer: Amplitude Studios
Genre: Strategy
OS:Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7
Processor:Core 2 Duo Processor or Equivalent
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:256 MB DX9 Compliant
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX 9 Compatible Audio
OS:Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7
Processor:Core i5/i7 or equivalent
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:512 MB DX9 Compliant with PS 3.0 support
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX 9 Compatible Audio